When you were a child, you were a sponge.
You were too young to have your own opinions, so what your trusted adults did and said was soaked up and became your truth. You didn’t question it.
At some point, that truth got mixed up when your parents said one thing, and your teachers said another, and your grandparents said another. You started to question it, and it was confusing.
In theory, the teen years are the time when you start to figure out your own opinion, but if you didn’t get to do that, you may have stayed a little mixed up. A little unsure of what is true. Of whose voice you should listen to.
You’re not alone.
To cope with all the big feelings, you had as a kid, you may have hidden your truth and acted the way you were expected to act. Or you may have become overwhelmed with anxiety and self-doubt. You may have begun to unconsciously silence your inner child or believe they are bad.
When you shut down your truth, you may have become either:
1. The Anxious and Confused Child
This child is not sure what’s right or wrong and is constantly questioning what is taking place around them. They constantly seek feedback to feel okay. They tend to need more reassurance and approval to figure out the right moves.
2. The Avoidant Independent Child
This child tends to go the other way by hiding. They feel that they are just fine by themselves. They withdraw. They tend to cope by relying only on themselves.
With every experience, we put a blanket over our inner child. Our true selves. And as we age, this blanket only gets heavier. It feels suffocating.
We just pack our inner child away.
But they’re waiting for an invitation to re-emerge.
Are you ready to let your inner child’s truth come out to play? Find out how here.